Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why Should I do a Parasite Cleansing

Parasites? Why do I need to cleanse my body of parasites? I don't have them, right? Well, everyone seems to think parasites are things they don't have, but other people do have. You may or may not have them, but up to 50% of the human population have parasites according to some recent research. These include pin worms, round-worms, and other harmful intestinal organisms that live inside your body.

You can get parasites through a variety of ways, such as through the food or water you consume. You can get them through insect bites, through sex, or simply through the nose or skin. The most common reason most of us have parasites is because of an unhealthy digestive system, and colon. When our bowels are clogged, and we can't eliminate our wastes, this buildup of mucous plaque clogs the walls of our colon, providing a good environment for parasites to live off, and thrive.

In any case, many people who have parasites also :
- have eaten raw fish or meat at some point in their lives
- hang around children, or pets often
- in contact with insects often
- take antacids often
- experience insomina, colitis, ulcers, and feel dizzy often. have bad breath, a bad digestive system, acne, depressing, and bad body odor.

I used to get pin worms every time I moved into a new house or apt. You never know what people leave behind. I soon discovered if I cleaned that house or apt myself before I moved in I never got them again.

Once parasites get inside your body, they will stay there, living off the foods and nutrients you intake, unless you get rid of them. And unlike pin worms most parasites can not be seen by the naked eye. To get rid of them, you must fight them will parasite-killing herbs, like wormwood.

Or you can use another natural remedy Fresh jalapeƱo peppers.
This is overall a superior approach but hard to ingest because they are so spicy. (Ever wonder why natives in Mexico don’t get stomach sickness?) What you can do is to chop them up into little pieces and mix with yogurt and swallow without chewing. Ingest between 1 and 3 each day. Or, if you combind that has a high fat content, it won't burn when you chew it. Try avocado or goat cheese. JalapeƱos can be purchased at most markets.

Raw Pumpkin Seeds
Raw Pumpkin Seeds

contain an unusual amino acid called cucurbitin. This is believed to paralyze the worms over time, forcing them to loose their grip and get expelled from the body. These are available at most health food stores.

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